Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pass Go Collect $200.00 !!

Now how is that for motivation?

I've talked with many people who for one reason or another were advised by their doctor to start getting physical exercise each day in the form of walking. Sounds simple doesn't it? I've also heard one excuse after another from the same people as to why they're not following their doctor's orders. Time and time again I hear "I'm just too tired," or "I don't have time" or "it's too hot/cold outside." The question is, are these valid excuses, or a lack of motivation?

Now let's pose a little scenario...Say these people were told that each and every time they walked completely around the block of their neighborhood, and upon reaching their starting point, they would receive $200.00 cash for every day they completed the walk? If this were the case, how many people would find the energy, find the time, and depending upon the weather, pick up a water bottle or jacket and take that walk?